New Year, New You, New Vous Vitamin Quiz!

January is always an interesting time for health. Coming off an indulgent holiday season, many of us are looking to get healthier in the new year.

This is often the time of year when we wonder “How can I be more healthy?” “How can I lose weight?” “What can I do to feel better?” As physicians we hear now, more than ever, “What vitamins should I take?” .  At Vous Vitamin™ we have just the answer.

Finding out which work out routine you will stick to or a diet that you can easily follow with good results varies from person to person. One person loves to work with a trainer while another is only happy if chasing a ball.  Diets are similarly personal. What works for one person does not for another. We all have different tastes, different life routines, habits and preferences. The key is finding out what works for you in 2020.

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It turns out that vitamins are no different. Your vitamin needs are likely very different than your friends or neighbors. You eat differently, have different habits and different health issue. Why would you all take the same vitamins? As physicians we have learned over the years, how to best help our patients figure out which vitamins to take based on a variety of simple questions. And now, via the Vous Vitamin™ platform, determining what vitamins to take can be done through a personalized vitamin quiz.

Our patients would often come in with big health goals. They may not know where to start with diet, exercise or other aspects of improving their habits. It turns out that making small incremental change works much better than making huge overhalls to ones routines. Extreme diets, cleanses or fasting programs rarely result in lasting success. Rather, we have found over the years that our patients who succeed in losing weight and making significant health improvements do so by making gradual changes that they can maintain for a life time.

So how do you start a fitness plan if you are not one who exercises? Rather than committing to a drastic change of going to the gym for 90 minutes every day, start small and doable. Perhaps commit to doing some thing for 30 minutes three days per week. Something as simple as walking is a great start for some. This allows you to establish a regular routine and get into the mindset of taking time for your health. You can always build on this solid start as you become accustomed to your new routine. Those who already exercise and want to improve can make similar small incremental increases (add an extra work out per week or perhaps add a new component of weight training or increased cardio depending on your goals).

The same applies to your diet. The way to lose weight or achieve a healthier diet is not by waking up on January 1st with an entirely new lifestyle. Rather, it is to make changes in small ways that, over time, add up to big change. Perhaps cut back on alcohol or desserts or junk food to start. Focus on eating less meat or more vegetables and less carbs (but we do not recommend none).  Try one change per week or two and allow yourself some lenience. If you have a bad day, make the next day better. Do not let one indulgence be an excuse to give up on healthy eating all together.  Weight will not fall off your body this way, but it will slowly improve, and in a lasting and meaningful way. Too many people who take on extreme diets, end up eventually scrapping the whole thing and gaining all the weight back (and then some).

In your efforts to achieve better health you may wonder what vitamins to take? The answer must be determined by specifics about you and your diet, health concerns and more. Taking our personalized vitamin quiz is a great way to determine what vitamins you should take. You may need more iron if you do not eat red meat or you may need more or less vitamin D, depending on where you live and your amount of sun exposure. You may need certain key nutrients if you suffer from thinning hair, migraines, menopausal symptoms, irritable bowel or other health conditions. You may also benefit from Omega3s if you are pregnant, postnatal or have concerns about heart health, arthritis and more.

We created Vous Vitamin™ with the goal of helping each individual get personalized vitamin subscription to meet their needs. Taking our personalized vitamin quiz and getting an all in one daily vitamin subscription is a great way to commit to your health in the new year. It is a simple step you can take that will remind you every day of your important commitment to achieving a lasting health improvement. Our customers say that taking the right vitamins helps them feel more energetic and have less cravings for unhealthy foods. This allows them the energy to exercise and to plan meals in a more thoughtful way.

Take this opportunity to find out what vitamins you should take. Take our new and improved personalized vitamin quiz and get your doctor created personalized subscription vitamin sent directly to you today.

Romy Block specializes in Endocrinology and Metabolism and is mother to three active adolescent boys. Arielle Levitan is a Doctor of Internal Medicine with a special interest in Preventive Medicine and Women’s Health.  She is a mother of three teenagers. As professional women with active family lives, they recognize that people often neglect their own health needs and are uncertain about what vitamins to take. Each person is different in her diet, exercise and health history, and will benefit from different nutrients.  After years of advising their patients about the proper vitamins to take,  Drs. Block and Levitan created Vous Vitamin® to provide people everywhere with quality vitamins that are suited to their individual needs. They are authors of the award winning The Vitamin Solution: Two Doctors Clear Confusion About Vitamins and Your Health (She Writes Press, 2015). Take your vitamin survey now to get exactly the right vitamins for your needs.

The statements made in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered by Vous Vitamin® are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Nothing contained herein is intended to be a diagnosis or constitute medical advice.  The symptoms described in this Blog may be a result of a serious medical condition which requires medical treatment.  You should consult with your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in this Blog and before beginning any vitamin or supplement regimen.



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